Install with Bird Protection Nets for avoid Bird dropping

Today Pigeons are major problems in Residential Complex, Restaurant, Food industries, Factories, Hotels, Resorts etc. Pigeon get easy access to open plumbing Ducts, Top of pipe and parapets, these are excellent nesting and breeding areas. A major problems is the breeding and the dropping of these birds. Over a period of time it emits a foul odour and many times these birds. Birds die inside the ducts causing more health problems for the residents. Cleaning ducts are very difficult. Another popular nesting place is the top of air conditions, the dropping and feathers are cause of the most of respiratory infections. Regular cleaning of these nesting places is essential.
Type: Anti bird net
Shape: Rectangular
Color: Transparent, White and Black
Material: Nylon Transparent Net
Size: All sizes
Company : World Screen Nets
This Net is made from best grade UV Stabilized HDPE Polymer. it can be installed at practically any site.
Sr. No Product Features Description
- Usage for : Anti Bird Net( Bird Control net )
- Thickness of Filament
- Appearances: Readily available in Black & white and Made to order for other colors.
- Coverage: Square foot basis
- Application: On SS (stainless steel) hooks
- Corrosive: Chemically inert
- External Effects: None
- Mesh Size: Mesh size of 25, 30MM
- Guarantee after application: 3 Year Net warranty
- Temperature: Safe At 180 Degrees
Softening Point 120 Degrees
Melting Point 220 Degrees - Water: Resistant
- Sunlight: U V Stabilized
- Air: No effect, The mesh size allows easy flow of wind
- Snow: No effect
- Flammable: Yes
- Shape of Mesh: Square
- Dust Hazard: Easy to clean
- Vapor Hazard: None
- Breaking strength of Yarn: 21.07kg